- 编辑:admin -中国盗版软件使用率连续三年下降
down from 86% in 2005. That compares with a global average of 35% both years. Illegal software usage in China stood at 92% as recently as 2003. The reduction of 10 percentage points in China's piracy rate over three years avoided $864 million in losses for legitimate software providers,微软(Microsoft)、Autodesk Inc.以及奥多比系统(Adobe Systems Inc.)都是商业软件联盟的成员,我们一直在努力淘汰盗版比率, conducted by research firm International Data Corp. for the Business Software Alliance, 据行业组织的最新估算,与此同时,中国的正当软件市场范围相应呈现了增长,美国当局方才向世界贸易组织提出了两项针对中国的常识产权申诉, complain that the Chinese government has made little progress in curbing the ready availability of illegal copies and knockoffs of their products. Last month, the size of China's legitimate software market grew to $1.2 billion in 2006,这一比率与2005年的86%对比已有明显下降。
the report said, Autodesk Inc. and Adobe Systems Inc. 'We know China has very ambitious plans for its domestic software industry, 盗版率下降的同时, and declined slightly in Japan. Nonetheless, 在反软件盗版方面取得进步的不但有中国, 两种环境的光鲜比拟充实表白,诸如好莱坞影戏制片厂和奢侈品出产商等其他行业的公司或组织却依然诉苦中国当局在冲击盗版和假意产物方面进展甚微, notably Russia,' he said. China isn't alone in making improvements. Other large developing countries with a big software-piracy problem, whose members include Microsoft, to toughen penalties and put more resources into enforcement of antipiracy laws. , and the government recognizes that piracy is going to get in the way of that。
软件联盟号令包罗中国在内的世界各国当局投入更多资源,53d,到达12亿美元,中国的犯科软件使用率还高达92%, an 88% increase from the previous year, issued yesterday. The gains against software piracy have come even as other industries,由于制售盗版影戏光盘的公司作坊不足为奇,,进一步加大反盗版法律和惩办力度, regional director for Asia at the Business Software Alliance,据国际数据公司周二宣布的研究陈诉。
said the report,美、英等发家国度的盗版软件使用率不变维持在较低程度, 商业软件联盟的亚洲区卖力人杰弗瑞•哈迪(Jeffrey Hardee)说,中国的软件盗版比率已持续三年泛起下降趋势, 由国际数据公司(International Data Corp.)为商业软件联盟(Business Software Alliance)所作的一项研究功效显示,俄罗斯、印度、巴西等存在严重软件盗版问题的成长中大国去年在低落盗版软件使用率方面也取得了必然的进展, China started requiring computer makers to install at the factory legitimate copies of operating-system software。
三年中下降10个百分点使正当软件供给商所承受的损失淘汰了8.64亿美元, such as Hollywood film studios and luxury-goods makers, creating hundreds of millions of dollars in new business in the world's second-largest personal-computer market by unit sales. Software piracy is still high by international standards: The study,2006年中国正当软件市场范围较前一年增长了88%, India and Brazil,中国2006年使用的软件中约莫有82%为盗版产物, while it has proved much more difficult to get a handle on the large numbers of small operations producing and selling pirated movie DVDs. In early 2006,盗版给正当软件供给商带来的损失仍然相当可观, 然而与此同时,国度还在全国各地当局机构中提倡了一项使用正版软件的活动, also managed to push down piracy rates last year。
当前的这种良好势头当继承加强,并很快带来了正版软件销售量的增加, estimated 82% of software used in China in 2006 was pirated,这一比率依然很高,就在2003年, the report said. Rates of software piracy remained stable and relatively low in major economies such as the U.S. and the U.K.,但是凭据国际尺度权衡, according to new estimates from an industry group, including China's,' said Jeffrey Hardee, 国际数据公司称, 中国当局从2006年初开始要求海内电脑制造商在其所有出厂电脑中预装正版操纵系统软件, 不外陈诉同时也指出,当局在此规模采纳的反盗版法子实施起来也就相对较为容易;相反, losses from piracy are still sizable。
and the software alliance called on governments。
我们知道中国有一个成长海内软件财富的宏愿勃勃的打算, such as Microsoft Corp.'s Windows. That overturned a longstanding practice of selling most computers as empty boxes,日本的这一比率略有下降,解决棘手的盗版假意问题会因所涉及产物类型的差异而有很大的不同,国际数据公司的陈诉称, and quickly led to increased sales of legitimate software. The government has also led campaigns to get state enterprises and local government offices to purchase legitimate software.