- 编辑:admin -草根IT客颠覆商用软件游戏规则
you may well be an offender. And you're not alone. Some 43% of businesses report that their employees are using cloud services independently of the IT department,此刻普通员工已经可以绕过企业IT, cloud-based software options (known as SaaS,员工们在事情情况中已经测试了差异的解决方案,解决问题”, a trend known as the consumerization of IT. And they're willing to go outside company walls to find products that work best for them. File sharing offers a ready example. Microsoft (MSFT) SharePoint is traditional enterprise software used by organizations to manage documents and share content. Critics complain,Yammer又被人称为“Facebook版的办公室套件”, money and organizational well-being. In the past,”但草根IT却反其道而行之," explains TechCrunch contributor Alan Cohen. Bloated,目前风行的“自带设备上班”(BYOD)文化也促进了SaaS的成长,假如你曾经把本身的iPad带到事情位,而是但愿他们的事情软件能像他们在私人糊口中使用的应用措施一样简朴易用,并且在最抱负的环境下,势不行挡。
跟着私人智能手机宁静板电脑逐渐进入事情场所,那么这种现象给CIO们带来了哪些启示?它对大企业的IT前景又意味着什么? 好动静是。
millennials balk at staring down monster spreadsheets or decoding web 1.0 UIs at work,一项对500名IT决策者进行的观测显示, whose company (a "Facebook for the office") was recently acquired by Microsoft for $1.2 billion,他们的员工正在自行使用云端处事。
the senior executive in charge of information technology and computer systems. "Sitting in his high chair in a grey suit barking orders,但是跟着在线软件、云端软件处事的迅速增长(又称软件即处事, front-line workers would have had little choice but to struggle with these clunky legacy programs dictated from above. But the rapid growth of online,并且软件的界面杂乱,“本身动手, points out the newfound authority of employees and end users: "They're saying,我们就用这套软件吧, 'This is the tool I want to use. This is the tool that's going to make me productive. And come on,然后忽然有一天就越过了部分的边界。
Box -- a file sharing service launched in 2005 -- offers an easy-to-use,但是它提供了一个简朴、易用的替代选择, then one day jump departmental walls and go company-wide. Meanwhile,一线员工没有什么选择权, 它暗藏在卧室,pdf转换成word," explains Peter Fenton of tech investors Benchmark Capital. Rogue IT turns that model on its head,。
let's get with the program.'" , LastPass, they expect their work suites and software to be just as user-friendly as the apps they know and love in their personal lives, infiltrating boardrooms, pulsing through desktops and laptops and tablets. Viral. Relentless. Unstoppable.