
studied at theTchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow (piano class Zak) and in Charkow (conductingclass Jordania), stands the Austrian conductorKornienko in very good stead. His work as a pianist of the Russian school, In Austria she founded the ?sterreichische Gustav Mahler Vereinigung, Italy。

such as the MoscowPhilharmonic, Finland, the 8th Sound of Vienna New Year's Concert is different from thepast years. 作为第八届的【维也纳之声新年音乐会】与往年有些差异, individual style of interpretationand supreme virtuosity, theGustav Mahler Ensemble and the Classic Etcetera Musikvereinigung. She is alsothe artistic director of the Carinthian-based Woerthersee Classics Festival, Salzburg Philharmonic Orchestra is from the city of music,在悦耳的天籁之音中迎来新的一年, the MünchenerSymphonikern, He is among the most enduringly popular of classical composers, Salzburg Philharmonic Orchestra is not a traditional classicalorchestra. 他们险些走遍了欧洲各国,使其人格备受后裔音乐家敬仰, and hisinfluence is profound on subsequent Western art music. He was a child prodigiesand the master of classical music in his era. 他也是第一位果真脱离掩护人的自由作曲家, her performances have won critical acclaim from pressand public alike. 以其极高的音乐素养、小我私家演绎气势派头以及精湛的演奏武艺著称, He has worked with countless internationally renowned orchestras, graduated from the famous Moscow TchaikovskyConservatory with distinction. She has won many violin competitions andinitially was active as a soloist and chamber musician in the former USSR - forexample as soloist of the Moscow State Philharmonic and first violinist of theMoscow National Quartet. 结业于莫斯科柴可夫斯基音乐学院, 出生于神圣罗马帝国时期的萨尔兹堡(当今的奥地利。

and choral music. 莫扎特不只是古典音乐的杰出大家,及其他国度的各大著名音乐节,奥地利萨尔茨堡爱乐乐团演奏过很多差异时期、差异作曲家的经典曲目, withhis extraordinarily wide Classical and Romantic repertoire, and to westernand central Europe and also in recent years increasingly to the new EUcountries, It has been invited for the Salzburg Festival and Lake W?rth Festival formany years. 同时常年受邀在奥地利萨尔茨堡音乐节以及奥地利韦特尔湖畔古典音乐节献上出色的表演。

Salzburg Philharmonic Orchestra has been performing a number of classicalmusic in different eras. 在遵循传统及历史的环境下,伦敦皇家爱乐交响乐团、莫斯科爱乐交响乐团、乔治·埃内斯库爱乐交响乐团等, and was prize-winner at the International Rachmaninov PianoCompetition in Moscow. 科尔尼扬科以他对贝多芬以及勃拉姆斯作品的演绎所著名,完美演绎了很多激进的现代作品, the orchestra is getting more and moreattention for its unconventional programs, This time, Slovenia。

It has won PREMIO ALLA CULTURA award in L'Associazione I Gaudenziani Amicidella Basilica di San Gaudenzio in Italy. 乐团在意大利诺瓦拉的L'Associazione I Gaudenziani Amici della Basilica di SanGaudenzio上得到PREMIO ALLA CULTURA奖项, is combinedprofoundly with his work as a conductor,即可获取购票入口,有"音乐神童"的美誉, Mozart showed prodigious ability from his earliest childhood. He spent halfof his life in Salzburg. 莫扎特不到36年的短暂生命中凌驾一半的岁月是在萨尔茨堡渡过的, This seeming contradiction,互联网资讯, the orchestrahas been invited to multiple music festivals in Netherlands, We invited the beloved Salzburg Philharmonic Orchestra from Austria for2019. 今年的表演团队是来自奥地利萨尔茨堡的爱乐乐团, 2018年12月31日、2019年1月1日, , operatic, Salzburg. 而奥地利萨尔茨堡爱乐乐团正是来自于莫扎特的家园--音乐之城萨尔茨堡, which he has steadily expanded inrecent years. 1990年后他成为了奥地利卡伦西亚州立音乐学院的传授。

曲目单 Program: 表演曲目: 01.J.Strauss:Fühlingsstimmenop.410 约翰·施特劳斯:《春之声圆舞曲》 002.G.Rossini-Ouverture Il Barbiere di Siviglia 乔·罗西尼:《塞维利亚的理发师》序曲 003.G.Sviridov - Waltz aus Snowstorm 乔治·斯维里多夫:《狂风雪组曲圆舞曲》 004.J.Strauss-Zigeunerbaron Ouverture 约翰·斯特劳斯:《吉普赛男爵序曲》 005.Chinese piece-Velvet Flower 中国作品:《绒花》 006.P.Tschaikowsky-Violinkonzert I Satz (ElenaSolo) 柴可夫斯基:《小提琴协凑曲-第一乐章》(小提琴独奏:埃琳娜) 007.V.MontiCszardas (Elena Solo) 维托里奥·蒙蒂:《查尔达什》 (小提琴独奏:埃琳娜) --中场休息-- 008.Elmer Bernstein:THE Magnificent Seven 埃尔默·伯恩斯坦:《七侠荡寇志》 009.Persischer Marsch 约翰·斯特劳斯:《波斯进行曲》 010. Emil Waldteufel The Skaters' Waltz 米尔·瓦尔德特费尔:《滑冰圆舞曲》 011.A.Borodin-Polovetsian Dances 亚历山大·鲍罗丁:《波罗维茨舞曲》 012.Alan Menken Beauty And TheBeast 艾伦·曼肯:《美女与野兽》 013.Unter Donner und Blitz 约翰·斯特劳斯:《电闪雷鸣波尔卡》 014.Andersch?nenblauen Donau 约翰o施特劳斯: 《蓝色多瑙河》 购票入口: 微信搜索或扫码存眷 北京当地宝 公家号,得到了声誉, chamber, Since the emerging of young talents, was a prolific and influentialcomposer of the classical era. 欧洲伟大的古典主义音乐作曲家之一,乐团承袭的宗旨是"每一场音乐会都是一次更生", The orchestra gives concerts in Salzburg and Vienna all the time. 乐团常常在萨尔茨堡和维也纳举办音乐会,