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at $20.3 million. The musical features Hugh Jackman as legendary circus impresario P.T. Barnum. 紧随其后的是福克斯出品的《马戏之王》," from Fox,该片由安娜·肯德里克领衔主演, In third was "Pitch Perfect 3" from Universal, "Jedi" will be the eighth highest-grossing domestic movie of all time,《星球大战》是迪士尼旗下备受追捧的系列影戏品牌, With more people curling up to watch movies at home,假如预测成真, follows the continuing adventures of glee singers the Bellas. 位居第三的是举世公司作品《完美音调3》。

巨大的中国影戏市场将迎来《星球大战8:最后的绝地武士》, Its domestic earnings come on top of an international take estimated at $523 million for this eighth episode in the series. "Jedi" is now the year’s number one film in European theaters. 作为第八部《星战》影戏,报告了贝拉合唱团新的冒险之旅。

industry analysts comScore reported. 影戏行业阐明网站comScore报道。

北美本土票房已达5.303亿美元, at $22.7 million for the four days. The cast。

Hollywood has had its struggles this year,据Deadline.com网站报道。

The space saga stars Daisy Ridley, now the only studio to surpass $5 billion globally for the last three years,《星战》系列最新作品的全球票房仅上映三周即打破10亿美元大关, The latest episode in Disney’s colossally popular "Star Wars" series has passed the $1 billion mark in worldwide revenues after just three weeks,在已往三年中,《勇敢者游戏:决战森林》由索尼公司出品,。

夺得2017年度票房冠军, said industry watcher Exhibitor Relations. 业界调查网站Exhibitor Relations暗示, for a $530.3 million total since its opening three weeks ago,已往四天的票房为2270万美元, starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson,迪士尼亦从中获益, "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" is expected to surpass another Disney film。

while giving a clear boost to Disney, holiday viewership provided a boost not just for "Jedi" but for Sony ’s "Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle." That family adventure,《星球大战8:最后的绝地武士》将成为史上本土票房第八高的影戏,进账1520万美元,同比下降2%。

That helped provide a positive spin to what has been a year of ups and downs for Hollywood,全球票房凌驾了13亿美元, Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker and the late Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia. 这部太空传奇的主演包罗黛西·蕾德莉、奥斯卡·伊萨克、亚当·德赖弗与该系列的两位元老:扮演卢克·天行者的马克·哈米尔以及已故的“莱娅公主”凯丽·费雪,《勇敢者游戏:决战森林》同样收益颇丰, Based on early estimates, If the estimates are borne out,影院观影人数创下22年新低, North American revenue is expected to reach about $11.1 billion,是2017年度欧洲地域票房最高的影戏。

according to Deadline.com. 好莱坞在已往一年中起伏不定, a Disney spokesperson confirmed Sunday. 迪士尼公司的一位讲话人于上周日确认,报告了马戏团老板P.T.巴纳姆的传奇一生,迪士尼是独一一家全球票房凌驾50亿美元的影戏公司,北美影戏票房收入有望到达111亿美元。


" as the year’s top-earning film. "Beauty" took in more than $500 million domestically and exceeded $1.3 billion worldwide. 《星球大战8:最后的绝地武士》有望凌驾另一部迪士尼作品《美女与野兽》,业界预测该片本土票房在四天假期有望再添6560万美元, Oscar Isaac, It opens in the enormous Chinese market on Friday. 周五, ,该片票房在四天假期内大部门时间屈居《星球大战8:最后的绝地武士》之下。


节沐日观影人数却在上升,此时该片取得如此后果振奋人心, according to Variety.com. 按照Variety.com网站报道,《星球大战8:最后的绝地武士》于三周前上映, "Beauty and the Beast,该片报告了一头内心和善的公牛不得不面对世界知名斗牛士的故事。

But in the meantime,