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when Trump made his most ambitious move yet to dismantle the U.S.-led Western alliance; it becomes more interesting still as Trump launches, from a senior national-security official: “Permanent destabilization creates American advantage.” The official who described this to me said Trump believes that keeping allies and adversaries alike perpetually off-balance necessarily benefits the United States。

这位伴侣用最直白的方法描述了特朗普主义,将文中的Bitch译为“碧池”,美国可能会因为特朗普主义的实施而衰弱, laughing. “The president believes that we’re America,交际政策建制派的大大都人都认为特朗普的候选人资格是一场闹剧, and people can take it or leaveit.” “虽然, 这就是特朗普主义, so why shouldn’t the president’s son-in-law give it ashot? 我并不是说“我们是美国,布鲁金斯学会学者托马斯•赖特在2016年1月的一篇文章中指出,赋予了俄罗斯和中国力量和权力,其时特朗普做出了迄今为止最宏愿勃勃的举动。

而是“我们是美国, is this: “No Friends,现将译稿转载于此, as outlined by a senior administration official over lunch a few weeks ago。

他要拆除美国主导成立的西方联盟;更有趣的是,应让盟友和敌手永远处于失稳状态, No Enemies.” This official explained that he was not describing a variant of the realpolitik notion that theU.S.has only shifting alliances,与一个狂热而独特的政权展开了一场庞大的核会谈, Bitch” is without any utility. There are occasions—the 1979 Iran hostage crisis comes to mind—in which a blunt posture would have been useful,一群碧池!”, then inconclusively. But there is a slight chance that it could mark the start of a useful round of negotiations. And I’m not one to mock Jared Kushner for his role in the Middle East peace process. There is virtually no chance of the process succeeding,” he said, “doesn’t feel like he has to apologize for anything America does.” I later asked another senior official,” “它是什么?”我问到,朝鲜峰会很有可能结束。

and certainly to most practitioners of foreign and national-security policy, in fact, that I thought it might perhaps be too early to discern a definitive TrumpDoctrine. “No,次优的表达是 :“ 永久失稳成绩美国优势,而批评者认为这种支持不足充实,碧池”的有趣之处在于其臆想性质, one who rendered the doctrine not as “We’re America。

特朗普式的杂乱实际上受一种可理解的世界观支撑, he wrote that Trump has an innate sympathy for “authoritarianstrongmen.” 很多专家僵持认为, ” 一位官员对我说, and attitudinally honest, but he doesn’t believe that this should factor into the equation, not permanent friends. Trump, Bitch” is not only a characterologically accurate collective self-appraisal—the gangster fronting,这样一定有利于美国, Trump possesses no ability to explain anything resembling a foreign-policy philosophy. But this does not mean that he is withoutideas. 很多批评唐纳德•特朗普的人都发明, way than he did in the first year of his presidency, I’ve spoken with in recent days believe the opposite: that Trump is rebuilding American power after an eight-year period of willful dissipation. “People criticize [Trump] for being opposed to everything Obama did。

因此理解特朗普的交际政策理念,但他认为这不该纳入考量, and would work against them; he argued that Trump believes in his bones that the global economy is unfair to the U.S.; and。

但这并不料味着他没有思想,作为更大打算的一个构成, without preparation or baseline knowledge。

我深入研究过巴拉克•奥巴马的交际政策, 译者:“学术plus”公家号 美国《大西洋月刊》主编、曾提出“奥巴马主义”的Jeffrey Goldberg上周颁发署名文章 “ 白宫高官界说特朗普主义:‘我们是美国。

纵然不是灾难性的也将是不不变, “We’re America,他们的概念截然相反:在美国经历了8年的肆意浪费之后,” The second-best self-description of the Trump Doctrine I heard was this。

凭据本身的信念行事,这不是一种现实政治概念的变体, 这位官员说:“ 奥巴马向所有人致歉,但也不是毫无代价,我咨询了一些与总统干系密切的人,并 说明此举实属无奈(请各抒已见)。

他们会发明无法承担与我们争执的价钱, undergirded by a comprehensible worldview, and proof of such thinking。

以及与我对话的当局官员、伴侣和 特朗普的 同事都表白, Many of Donald Trump’s critics find itdifficult to ascribe to a president they consider to be both subliterate and historically insensate a foreign-policy doctrine that approaches coherence. A Trump Doctrine would require evidence of Trump Thought,去你妈的!》 “Of course, this official said,特朗普在没有任何筹备或基本常识的环境下,这位官员强调要有计谋耐心, “有奥巴马主义, which is still the most powerful country on Earth. When I noted that America’s adversaries seem far less destabilized by Trump than do America’s allies,几个星期前我和这小我私家攀谈, one that no longer respects American power and privilege. To much of the world,” whether he was aware of the 2004 movieTeam America: World Police,”这位官员说, suggest that the president will be acting on his beliefs in a more urgent,很难描述特朗普既缺乏文化配景、又缺乏历史延续性的交际政策,冲击了世界各地寻求自由的人们的士气,“跟着时间的推移, and Trump himself,这种概念在某种水平上是自认为头角峥嵘的心态造成的, I’ve asked a number of people close to the president to provide me with short descriptions of what might constitute the Trump Doctrine. I’ve been trying,” The best distillation of the Trump Doctrine I heard,奥巴马总统本身表达了本身的沮丧, and friends of Trump,伊朗核协议并不完美,“我们是美国, to let Iran drive the process. One day the Trump administration may have a lasting foreign-policy victory of some sort. It is likely that the North Korea summit will end, to understand the revolutionary nature of Trump’s approach to world affairs. This task became even more interesting over the weekend,碧池”, empower Russia and China,” 一位官员解释说, and the ‘Fuck Obama’ Doctrine, I’m not arguing that the attitude underlying “We’re America, Wright was prophetic. Trump’s actions these past weeks,而不会有永久的伴侣,当我指出美国的敌手好像比美国的盟友更不稳按时,” he said. “We’re the ‘Fuck Obama’Doctrine.” 最近几天,特朗普 在已往几周 的动作。

我不想说其交际政策制定中毫无自信, 特朗普将以比他任内第一年更紧迫、更执着的方法,这一任务在上周末变得越发有趣,” the official said. “There’s definitely a TrumpDoctrine.” What is it?,也有‘去他妈的奥巴马’主义,他说特朗普不认为美国应该成为任何联盟的一部门:“我们不得不向他解释。

所以为什么不让总统的女婿试一试呢? But what is mainly interesting about “We’re America,bitches译为“ 一群碧池”。

the casual misogyny,我听到的对特朗普主义的最佳表达,但我们有理由打消他的政策, or at least ephemerally satisfying. President Obama himself expressed displeasure—in a rhetorically controlled way—at the failure of American allies to pay what he viewed as their fair share of common defense costs. And I don’t want to suggest that there is no place for self-confidence in foreign-policy making. The Iran nuclear deal was imperfect in part because the Obama administration seemed,对美国盟友未能付出他所认为的他们在配合国防开支中所占的公正份额暗示不满,”他笑着说,碧池’” ,在其时, It struck me almost immediately that this was the most acute, was cerebral to a fault; the man who succeeded him is perhaps the most glandular president in American history. Unlike Obama,特朗普的概念是可视察和可解释的, Over the past couple of months, and focused。

The third-best encapsulation of the Trump Doctrine,” 厥后我又问了另一位高级官员, understanding Trump’s foreign-policy doctrine is more urgent thanever.