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很多用户无法登录Instagram, though some text captions were still visible. The outage seems concentrated in the Northeast U.S. and parts of Europe,但仍然可以看到部门文字说明,该网站宕机好像主要会合在美国东北部和包罗伦敦在内的部门欧洲地域, Instagram took to Twitter to let users know it's aware of the issue and working to resolve it. ,Facebook自己也像WhatsApp一样遭遇了宕机,推特的私聊信息也呈现了一些问题,只有一些文字描述。


图片来源:Chestnot/Getty Images 7月3日上午,但范畴好像没有那么广,奉告用户它已经认识到了这个问题, driving users to the point of frustration—and they didn't hesitate to take those grievances to other social media outlets. In the mean time, 与此同时, DownDetector称, with descriptive text ranging from “No photo description available” or “Image may contain: one or more people, including London,从美国东部时间上午8点45分阁下开始, Instagram was inaccessible to many users on July 3 morning. Starting at approximately 8:45 a.m. ET,正在努力解决。

不免让用户感想不满, but there are sporadic outages around the globe, as did WhatsApp,,该网站无法显示用户图片,看不到图片, according to Users trying to access the site are seeing empty boxes where photos are usually displaced, Instagram今年已经产生了若干起宕机变乱, 上图中,这种环境已经近乎司空见惯了,53d,iPhone手机屏幕上有WhatsApp、Instagram、Messenger和Facebook等动静类应用措施的图标,53d,全球其他区域也零星呈现了同样环境, but they don’t seem to be as widespread. Twitter’s direct messages also had some hiccups earlier July 3. Instagram has had several outages this year,例如“没有可用照片”、“图片可能包括:一小我私家或多小我私家、自拍和特写”等, 用户会见网站时看到的是空白图片框,。

Instagram颁发推特,7月3日早些时候, (财产中文网) 译者:Agatha In what’s becoming a semi-regular event, the site was not showing users’ pictures, selfie and closeup”. Facebook itself suffered some outages as well,他们也绝不踌躇地把这些情绪发泄在了其他社交媒体上, according to DownDetector。