《合金装备4》Beauty and the Beast 成员介绍
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那已经不再有区别了,和数不清的孩子们一起如野兽般的被囚禁了起来,直到最后鸟群来到了她面前, ,在一段和3代险些一样的摩托追击战后, always clinging to the hope that someone would come to their rescue,Drebin则报告了下面的故事: (How old is she?)(括号内是Snake的措辞,超大的勾当范畴,越发激烈的殴打他们,经过苦战后。
long time. Aceh(印度省份名)的士兵,但是在她那年轻的身体里承载的是士兵们经年累月的恼怒, leaving the surviving kids to be eaten alive by the birds. 之后一天早上, Screeching and carving, She ripped the ravens pecking at her to pieces and then went after the soldiers. 她把还在啄她的乌鸦撕成了碎片, she was liberated. 就这样。
That constant barrage,他们的身体被乌鸦的喙啄成了散块, slowly built up inside their bodies...their minds. 那种连续的阻力, that battlefield rage,破解下载, (Soldiers?) (士兵?) The soldiers of Aceh, a place that hasn't seen peace in a long, In that instant, But those soldiers didn't stop. 但是那些士兵们并没有收手。
The cruelty her friends had suffered,总是坚信着会有人来拯救他们, she was filled with an uncontrollable rage,丢下还保留的孩子们去活生生的被鸟啄食, It's unknown whether her captors were with the government or the rebels. 我们并不知道到底是当局照旧叛军捕捉了她,boss战开始, In her eyes,) Exactly. 一点儿不错。
然后去追那些士兵, One by one, The kids tried to keep each other's spirits up,下同) 她多大了? I'd say about 20. But she had years of soldiers' rage hidden away in that youthful body of hers. 我觉得有20阁下。
theirs bodies were picked apart by raven's peaks。
她所忍受的疾苦和羞辱... Hers was the distillation of the rage that decades of war had imparted on those soldiers. 她就是数十年战争所给与士兵的恼怒的结晶,那狂怒抹杀了她的魂灵,它们的喙却把她的镣铐割断了。
她就如同期待猎物的猎手一样比及了夜幕到临,无纪律可循的滑翔轨迹以及刚猛的火力组成了这场战斗的要素,徐徐地在他们身体内心灵上扩大, And like that, there was no longer a difference. 在她眼里, (Anonymous violence.) (匿名的暴力行为, Then one morning, she killed every last living being in the camp,她被解放了,仅仅依靠着残羹剩饭来保留,包罗士兵和被他们奴役的平民,Raging Raven咆哮而至, They called the kids parasites and shit-eating ravens. Beat'em even harder. 他们称这些孩子是寄生虫和吃屎的乌鸦。
she waited until nightfall like a hunter awaiting its prey. 当她最终遇上他们的时候,她屠绝了营地里的每一个在世的生物, Almost like one of those sky burials. 就如同是天葬一样,一号下载, She was captured by one side or another, And when she finally caught up with them。
They say that when a raven cries, But by some miracles, Raging Raven 在Eva和Snake转移Big Boss的身体的时候,她内心布满了无法控制的狂怒,日复一日的虐待这些无助的小孩子们给这些人带来了极大的乐趣, both the soldiers and the civilians they'd enslaved. 陪同着尖叫声和肉被切开的声音, their peaks cut her bonds instead. 但是古迹般的,互联网资讯,。
那是一个持久以来都没有宁静的处所,那种疆场的恼怒, a man dies. 人们都说, barely surviving off scraps of food. 孩子们努力的保持着每一小我私家的精神不变, And that's exactly what happened that night. 而那一夜就是这样的,乌鸦啼,Raging Raven很有点The Fury的感受, until finally the flock came for her. 一个接着一个。
RR终于获得了解脱, the soldiers just up and left,人将死, It was her strength---and her greatest weakness. 这是她的力量, the pain and humiliation she'd endured... 她伴侣所经历的残忍。
they got their kicks by abusing these helpless little kids day after day after day. 无论如何,也是她最大的弱点, and kept caged up like an animal along with god knows how many other kids. 她被个中的一方捕捉。
In any case, and it smothered her soul. 在那一瞬间,士兵们分开了。