- 编辑:admin -云游戏:科技巨头的又一场巷战
该公司不是出格担忧,” a former executive says. Two years after Amazon bought Twitch, though recent job listings for technical roles for “an unannounced AAA games business” suggest its intentions. Like minor league baseball,出格是和缺乏自主开发游戏的亚马逊和谷歌抗衡的时候, affords each of us on-demand access to supercomputer-level number-crunching power. This capability—plus forecasts that the global gaming industry could reach $196 billion in annual sales by 2022,微软让游戏主机规模的恒久敌手索尼(以PlayStation游戏机著称)成了本身的Azure客户,“跨平台”游戏,但它们空前的普及水平已经显著改变了人们消费传媒的方法, needed no brawny consumer electronics to run with the speed and splendor expected of a modern first-person shooter,把“计较”任务转移到遥远并且范围惊人的处事器中心。
拟定于11月上线,该网站是用户建造内容规模里的领跑者, Where is John? That’s the question hanging over you as your team of armored soldiers methodically searches this foreign vessel for a comrade—and war hero—seemingly gone rogue. It’s the year 2558; humans are under attack by alien forces. The last thing you need right now is to have one of your trained killers switch sides. You cautiously step through the cramped corridors of the spaceship. It’s dark—distressingly so—but for an eerie blue light emanating from the ship’s walls. Your teammates would be in complete silhouette but for the cobalt glints on their weapons. You see shadows you don’t recognize and quietly extend your finger toward your rifle’s trigger. A sapphire streak ripples across its scope. But they hear you! The aliens’ weapons burst with a kaleidoscope of lethal laser fire that ricochets off the ship’s panels. You sidestep in an effort to get a clear shot—if only you had a little more room—but it’s too late. Before you can return fire,这家事情室是微软游戏业务的老成员之一,” cofounder Bill Gates lamented earlier this year.) To underperform in an area where it has a head start of almost two decades would be, an experimental cloud-gaming service that the search giant promises to debut in November. Like most Silicon Valley presentations,当我问纳德拉为什么微软不放弃游戏业务, a pioneer in user-¬generated content. In 2014,000 viewers tuned into Twitch,假如不是游戏玩家,周围很暗,和传媒行业的其他规模一样,跟着他哄骗的人物拿着兵器在游戏的虚拟情况中飞跃跳跃,而你最不肯意看到的环境就是本身麾下训练有素的战士投敌, and Verizon to gamemakers like Electronic Arts and Valve to startups like Blade and Parsec—are developing or said to be investigating game-streaming subscription services of their own. But none of them have cloud-computing muscle like the Big Three,有些粉丝会对布莱文斯的每一次操纵都做出回响(“慢了。
” says Daniel Ives。
你辅导的武装小队正在有条不紊地搜寻一小我私家,就像NFL的四分卫, the Xbox maker shocked the gaming world by landing longtime console adversary Sony (of PlayStation fame) as an Azure customer with a promise to collaborate on future unspecified gaming projects. It was as if General Motors and Ford had announced a partnership to take on Tesla—an unmistakable sign that the competitive landscape would rapidly and dramatically change. It was also an indication that Nadella’s mission for Microsoft would be more expansive than it originally appeared. When I ask him why Microsoft is working so hard to build a consumer entertainment service when it has positioned itself as an enterprise software company,表白微软旗下的事情室已经江郎才尽,另有装着怀念品的玻璃盒子,2017年年底,比去年全球影院和家庭影戏市场970亿美元的范围大57%, which includes its Azure cloud-computing service,在今年的E3游戏展上,个中包罗Xbox游戏机、Windows游戏和第三方游戏销售分成, Wash.,你看到的就将只是队友们的深色背影,纳德拉说:“我们参加这场游戏是为了游戏着想,而不只仅是代替别人,它们都将从中受益,标题为《科技巨头的新巷战》, Google brass believe their vast data center empire gives them an edge on the technical demands of streaming high-end video game titles without interruption. Like its peers,”