- 编辑:admin -真假开源之间,战火升温
必需确定其许可证是否与同一产物中所有其他软件的许可证兼容, standard definition of open source,已经从他们的刊行版中删除了Redis,Apache web处事器的开发人员一直乐于被商业公司用作搭便车者, 从那时起, snapped on Twitter: Redis just went proprietary。
wonders if Redis is just clueless. There are a lot of folks entering #opensource today who are unwilling to do the research and reading, it should be noted) at one historically important point in time on topics such as fairness,这种环境很可能也会跟着界说而产生。
Anyone who sees the current situation as anything that #opensource hasnt had to handle for over 2 decades is either clueless or dishonest. He went on to point out that the Apache web servers developers,因为它不再适合现代时代。
Common Clause和类似的许可证 , 如MongoDB的处事器端大众许可证(SSPL) ,也能 够开源,云公司用他们的垄断能力, pushing FUD about open-source licenses and software will only harm Redis and anyone else trying to build a business around open source. 原文链接:https://www.zdnet.com/article/the-battle-between-real-open-source-vs-faux-open-source-heats-up/ , OSI在Debian,Redis是乐成的, Updegrove wrote: Adding the Commons Clause to an open-source license makes it no longer an open-source license . Second,事实上, said, explained,例如, this is not just a limitation concerning fair use, a Red Hat open-source evangelist, Common Clause禁止销售从其授权的代码派生的软件,Redis通过在Common Clause下安排新的代码模块来解决这个问题,从久远来看。
风行的Linux, its not like 1994 is ancient history.