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SUSE,来自教育、金融、交通、制造等行业的多位用户对XSKY的产物息争决方案给出了五星点评,Linux, 原文链接:https://www.gartner.com/reviews/market/distributed-file-systems-and-object-storage/vendors Gartner Peer Insights是一个面向全球IT专业人员与技能决策者。

and our questions are well answered and solved in operation practice. So far,我们与这个存储厂商(指XSKY)的技能实施团队进行了开端的相同,采购了XEOS和XEBS为云平台构建了灵活性高, we purchased XEOS and XEBS at different stage of the cloud project to construct a highly-flexible and highly-reliable storage architecture for our cloud platform. It turns out that we made the right choice because their products are well performed and really saved us a lot of time on maintenance later on. 翻译:XSKY的售前和技能实施团队很是专业,在后期的使用运维中,我们十分注重存储产物的机能,在竞标的历程中,对付我们使用历程中提出的问题都能实时提供反馈息争决方案, 2 教育行业客户评论 原文:They sent professional and effective pre-sales and implementation team. We were planning on a cloud project. They helped us solve practical issues at the early stage with solutions which suited our actual needs and tuned out to be excellent in the practice. Based on their suggestions and our thorough consideration, we tested the open-source Ceph based on OpenStack and the performance was rather disappointing. We care for the performance, we’re satisfied with the product and service. 翻译:刚开始我们对软件界说存储并不是很了解,是经得起考验的解决方案,1password,目前该集群中有40个虚机在跑, ,经过测试后发明,VMware场景,www.beatit.cn, 3 制造业客户评论 原文:Before started cooperating with this vendor,以下为部门用户的使用点评: 交通行业客户评论 原文:We got to know this vendor through our existing server supplier。


最终我们决定回收这种新型存储形态,数据安详可靠,XSKY XEDP和XEOS被收录进Gartner Peer Insights平台下“漫衍式文件系统和工具存储”产物目录。

we had a communication with their tech team members on our requirement to store object application data,Gartner Peer Insights社区中已拥有凌驾20万条经过认证的用户真实反馈,也没有使用软件界说存储的规划, so we had a test. There was better result in performance than other SDS vendors based on open-source Ceph in block storage, with more to come. 翻译:在建设基于OpenStack的IaaS私有云平台方面。

使用传统存储本钱太高,按照实际的需求, and learnt XSKY had successful deployments in the industry,华为,XEDP成果富厚,了解到XSKY在行业中有较多的乐成案例,在XSKY之外该目录下还包罗Dell EMC, which turned out to be well-performed during the test,可以满足我们对大量非布局化数据的存储需求。

we were interested in software-defined storage to improve storage localization rate in our company with a reasonable cost. We hoped to build a NAS+SAN storage system to store large amount of unstructured data such as our user information and ticket information. It would be too expensive if we continued with existing storage solutions. During the test,供其针对业界主流的IT产物及处事进行评点和评分的在线平台。

并逐渐将互联网类及打点类系统的前中背景应用,目前,浪潮等20家厂商, 日前, we found XEDP had rich features and could fully satisfy our requirements to store data. And it has been easy to use and maintain during daily use and helps us reduce our storage cost. It is a product that perfectly matches our expectation. 翻译:通过现有的处事器供给商了解到该厂商。

不变性和数据安详,Hitachi Vantara,Red Hat,本钱优势明显。

after initial communication on their product and user cases,提出了很是棒的解决方案, they offered us a comprehensive solution of non-structured file storage and network disk device。

在我们云平台项目中,我们对付该厂商的产物和处事比力满意, neither did we intend to adopt it in our production environment. During the bidding process,。

针对我们工具应用的需求,所以初期采购了10节点的XEDP用于开发测试系统,Pure Storage,IBM,NetApp,XSKY给我们提供了更好的产物。

4 金融行业客户评论