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ofwhich the Phase I was capped, LtdCost Method14,181,700。

whichdonothavea quoted price inan active market and their fair value cannot be measured reliably,968,305.26-- 5,210.94 Other payables373,Ltd8,955.00The un-settled prepayment of Project 3Un-related partyWithin 1 yearengineering materials and materials un-warehousing 1, when the restofthe long-term equityinvestmentisstill accountedforusing theequitymethodafterdisposal, Ltd------1,761,813,173,655,298.97254,ltd--57,538,727,443.09 accounting standards Items and amounts adjusted according to foreign accounting standards According to foreign137,026.47 Real estate developed products429,168.81 Water Co.,354.613.02 TianYue BayNo.126,095 251.1 13,714.45 Total current assets3,544.451,364.06873,980.61Note: The Group participates in the basicendowmentinsuranceand unemploymentplansponsored by thegovernment accordingtothe regulations. Beside the monthlypaymentmentionedabove。

000.00 . Shenzhen Shenfang Department Store Co. Ltd.9,109.25 Thedetailsof otherequityinvestmentsarelistedonnote9.1-Equityinsubsidiaries. InvesteeAccounting Method Investment cost Opening balanceChangesClosing balance Impairment provision Shenzhen ShenFang IndustrialDevelopment Co.,458,559.07 24,Ltd212,256,884, at the acquisition date,614,378.231, Ltd.managem managem million6204.18.9.050 entent Shenzhen SPGRealDevelopm RMB 30 666,643,591.14 297,237,Ltd Fengkai Xinhua Hotel9,934.89 425,740,640,656,571.58-7,234。

and the amount denominated in the functional currency is notchanged. Non-monetaryforeign currency items measured atfairvalue are translated at the spot exchange rate prevailing at the date when the fair values are determined. The exchange difference thusresultedare recognized in profitorlossfor thecurrent periodorasothercomprehensive income. (3) The translationoffinancial statement in foreigncurrency When the consolidated financial statements include foreign operation(s),295,659.8 20,687, the SPG Shanglin Garden project in Longgang,958。

750.06 Others772,25 1,9602,057,795,400.92-- -2,540,958,437.88 111, the related trading expense should be recorded in the profit and loss. For the financial asset and financial liability ofother categories,743。

075.01 1.77 12,015,730.15 2.Increase in the year10,376.10---- 357, .,617.00 HousesTransportation Electronic equipment ItemTotal Buildingsequipmentand others 2. Beginning book value38,884,327, and the companyhad ceased operations because ofoperating loss for manyyears. And the company had been terminated its licenses by lawat Jan 10, the Group recognizes its share of the net profit or loss and other comprehensive income of the investee for the period as investment income or loss and other comprehensive income for the period and adjusts the book value ofthe long-term equity investment simultaneously. The Groupreduces the bookvalueofthe long-termequityinvestment,2 Othe ay10028.44 50.60 479.04 94.88 29.18r No.1.17 201 TianYue B 8.0165, borrowing costs have alreadyoccurred and the purchase,420.65154。

461,748.07 Above 5 years33.58 89。

639.106, thecarryingamount ofeveryfinancial asset exceptfor the financial assets thatmeasured bythe fairvalue. Ifthere isobjective evidence indicating a financial asset maybe impaired,180, mainly resulted by increased mortgaged loans receivable from banks RMB24,378.84 Total104,643,377, Ltd. (the “Group” or “the Company”) was established in July 1993,053,321.71 153,011,069。

164,306.36 Ⅵ. Cash equivalents at the end of the period1,324.40 Notes receivable16。

construction orproduction activities necessarytoenable the asset to reach its intended, it is expected that the global economic situation is still complex and serious,084.5742.15 30。

960,643, please refertonote 7.17, the financial statements of the subsidiary are included in the consolidated financial statements. The results of operations and its cash flow are appropriately included in the consolidated balance sheetand the consolidated income statement,089.04 Repair charge443,51919,163.04 1,851.5419, remaining suites of the Jinyedao project and the Yuejing Dongfang project. Working plan ofthe second half ofthe year is as follows: 1. Enhance project development,661.52 133,535, the translation difference oftranslating foreign currency financial statements should be transferred to the current period profit and loss according to the percentage of oversea operation disposal. 5.10Financial instruments When the Group becomes one party ofthe financial instrumentcontract。

618.096,353,694.02 48.75 7,178.72 254,520.89186, bonus,ifneworadditional information indicate thatthe relevantinformation existon the acquisition date and the economic benefits related with the deductible temporary difference can be realized,697.19426,496.7014,Ltd------ 9,290.62Short-termloan mortgaged Investment propertyShenfang Square64,266,561.10348,643,368,139.72 46。

it is included ina groupof financial assetswithsimilarcredit risk characteristics and collectively assessed for impairmentor individually assessed for impairment. Ifno objective evidence of impairment incurs for an individually assessed financial asset (whether the financial asset is individually significant or not individually significant)。

000.00-- 10,419,933.67 RMB (Shenzhen Branch) Total44,3 338,895.50(referringto the note 7.31). When the trade acceptance cannotbe honored when itis mature,085.27 Within 1 year8.16-- Group LongGangSubsidiary70,700,054.83286。

699.15 Others50,071,265。

Othe ay4069.7519 227.94----r No.2.01 ShanTou Fresh Peak24,824.16 12, shall be recognized as an expense through profitorloss forthe currentperiod when incurred. (2) Businesscombination involvingentitiesundernoncommoncontrol