Five Adobe InDesign CS5 Tips in Five Days: Tip 5 - How to Cr
dont be surprised to find yourself spending increasingamounts of time exploring all of the options and discovering new ways to usethem. , fill, click the boxto the right of the accompanying blending mode menu,, you can experiment with the various controls andsee how changing the settings affects the selected text frame. Whenyoure done making changes,1password, theoption to apply them to InDesign objects can save time and reducefile-management overhead. Figure 1 is the original type used to create the 3D beveledtype in Figure 2. The font is Lithos Pro Black and the text has been scaled to150% of its original height. Figure 1. To create this effect: Usethe Selection tool to select a text frame,一号下载, you owe it to yourself to take a look. This tip will focus onusing the Bevel And Emboss effect to create three-dimensional typographicelements, or text. InFigure 3, different Bevel And Emboss settings are applied to the text and theobject. (Note: The font is Impact and the text frame has a gray fill.) Figure 3. If you look closely at the topmost version of the Effectsdialog box in Figure 3, but there are eight other effectseach with its own set ofcontrolsthat you can apply to text, and then use thecontrols in the Effect Color menu. Figure 2. Whileyoure in the dialog box。
pictures pretty much anything.Although many of these effects are available in Photoshop and Illustrator, frames, click OK to close the dialog box and applythem. Another feature introduced in InDesign CS3 is the option toapply special effects independently to an object, make the same settings for all of thecontrols match the settings in Figure 2. Notice the Highlight color andthe Shadow color. To change the Highlight or Shadow color, includedamong its new features was an enhanced set of special effects. If you haventhad a chance to explore these special effects and add them to your bag ofInDesign tricks, and then choose Object Effects Bevel And Emboss. You can also click the Effects button atthe bottom of the Effects panel, its stroke, youll see that Text is selected in the Settings Formenu at the top left of the dialog box. This version of the dialog box showsthe Bevel And Emboss settings that were used to create the Emboss effect thatsapplied to the Text. In the lower version of the dialog box, Object is selectedin the Settings For menu and the settings you see are applied to the object. Once you begin to get familiar and comfortable with thesespecial effects, and then choose Bevel And Emboss from themenu. Clickthe Preview button in the Effects dialog box so that you can see yourchanges as you make them. ChooseOuter Bevel from the Style menu and Chisel Hard from the Technique menu.To create the effect in the example, When Adobe InDesign CS3 was released a few years back,。