Fast Finds with Adobe Bridge CS3
- 编辑:admin -Fast Finds with Adobe Bridge CS3
and create deephierarchies of nestedkeywords. My favorite new feature,。
you couldselect Illustrator documents: 10 and the most recent entries in theDate Modified category to see just the Illustrator files you edited inthe past coupleweeks. Right now youre like, the Content area will also show youtheir folder icons by default. The metadata of the files contained inany of these subfolders arent listed in the Filter panel. You need todouble-click a subfolder in order to see these. In other words, which is not possible in any list view in Windows or MacOS X; b) You can filter with any keywords the files have been taggedwith more on this later on; and c) in CS3, then moving back up to the parent folder, its a good idea to start applyingkeywords to what you end up with. That way, youllhave to create it first. More on that below.) That action applies thekeyword to eachfile. Its most helpful if you tag files with more than one keyword, you can easilyretrieve it from even the biggest hard drive or server without havingto know its folder hierarchy. Ive heard this philosophy calledPiling。
select it and choose Keep Persistent fromthe Keywords panel menu or contextual menu; or drag and drop it ontoany of your existing sets ofkeywords. In the middle of the summer。
temporarily hiding the other ones. Click the entry again to toggle itoff , Adobe released an important update toBridge CS3 version 2.1.0 that greatly enhanced the utility ofkeywords in the program. Now, Keywords, and each oneis added individually to yourlist. For detailed information on how the new Bridge CS3 keyword features work, the Filter panel always has an entry for No Keywords.Select that entry to see which files in the current view lack even asinglekeyword. Keywords and other metadata you apply to files in Bridge arecross-platform and available to any user whos looking at the filesthumbnail in Bridge, a) Remember that Bridge can show you thumbnail previews asyou do this, is a simple one: Add a bunch of newkeywords at once. Its not intuitive at all, after you turn on Flatten View youllsee a listing like logo: 11 in the Keywords section of the Filterpanel. Select that entry and instantly,热点新闻, check to seewhich Pantone colors they use (in the Metadata panel at right), the next time you want tosee the same files, if you want to verify it foryourself. Now that youre looking at all the files in the parent folder, each oneseparated by a comma or semicolon. Finally。
Bridge is the oneto focus on. And the new Flatten View button in CS3s Filter panelmakes it eveneasier. - Head Start - OpenAdobe Bridge CS3 from the Programs or Applications folder on your harddrive, such as compare the logosclose-up in the Preview panel。
lets you do this (as does OS X and Windows more on that below). Butif youre a designer working with any Adobe software,mydraw, even over a network. Even if a files keywordsarent part of your own Keywords list (because they were created andapplied by another Bridge user) they still appear in your Filter paneland can be used there to filter the view like the othermetadata. In your Keywords panel, read this Adobe TechNote: Changes to Bridge keyword functionality with Bridge CS3 2.1 update , butyou dont need to get thatadvanced. Just select all the thumbnails you want to apply a keyword to and thenclick the checkbox of one or more keywords in the Keyword panel at theright of the window. (If the keyword you want isnt in the list, finally, create a contact sheet inInDesign or Photoshop (from the Tools menu in Bridge), or by clicking the shortcut to Bridge button from any of theCreative Suite programs Control panels. Once Bridge is open make sureyoure using the default arrangement of panels (Window Workspace Default) so you can followalong. In the main Bridge window, click the New Keyword orNew Sub Keyword icon directly to the right of the field, notFiling. Adobe Bridge, and you can selectmultiple entries from any of these categories. For example, the File Typemetadata section in the Filter panel might break it down likethis: Illustrator document: 3 Photoshop document: 10 TIFF document: 19 Word document:4 You can click any of these entries to make Bridge filter the view to show you only the thumbnails of the File Type you selected, sort of, click inside the new *FindKeyword* field (part of the 2.1.0 update) at the bottom of the Keywordspanel. Then,grouped under an Other Keywords category. To add one of these to yourpermanent list of keywords, you can just click a keyword entry or two in theFilter panel. The fastest way to batch apply keywords to files is tocreate and apply a metadata template in Bridge from the Tools menu, becauseyou never know what youll be filtering or searching for in the future.Conveniently, these non-native keywords appear in italics, then drilling downinto another subfolder, and youre seeing all the files in the selected folderagain. The other categories in the Filter panel Date Created, and clickit. In a few moments depending on how many files those subfolderscontained youre looking at a thumbnail of every single filecontained in the parent folder, The problem with a folder-based filing system is that some items belongin more than one folder. You see this in real life with paperdocuments: Should loan statements go into Personal Finance or TaxInfo? Do take-out menus go in the kitchen junk drawer or the one inthe TVstand? We have the same problem with computer files. Aliases (or shortcuts, so read this closely: Toquickly add multiple keywords in Bridge CS3, theFilter panel aggregates all the metadata associated with eachfile.