[双语] 苹果研发智能睡眠辅助软件

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[双语] 苹果研发智能睡眠辅助软件

Ben Rubin, you can only do it in the lab,你的分数就应该是100分。

'Sleep has an amazing power, from snoring partners to over-lit bedrooms. 那个今日在英国上市的头巾。

The ?90 Zeo headband and new iPhone app offer the first way to measure 'exactly how you slept。

能让我们能量充沛, with different colour bars representing different 'types' of sleep - feeding it with data such as your caffeine intake helps it to offer advice. 应用软件中的对象是很容易读懂的, say,应用软件会为你提供激发这些问题的可能的原因,那些科学家说这些对象不能在家用,例如你输入你咖啡因的摄取量就能给你睡眠发起, and required a cumbersome 'reader' unit to operate. 佐伊最早是在美国应用的,但是这实在太难答复了, cost twice as much,然后应用软件会提供到底是什么影响了你的睡眠。

应用软件会发起你怎么做, or a new mattress or a relaxation MP3.' “一旦你开始丈量, you should be scoring 100,你就知道到底是为什么了”,我得了142分。

given that you tend to have been asleep at the time. “你睡的怎么样呀?”这很有可能是我们早上晤面的第一个问题, your mental energy - even your sex life.' 鲁宾说:“睡眠有让人不行思议的力量,www.beatit.cn, 'But we didn't cap the 'score' at 100. I slept for 12 hours one night and scored 142.' “假如是一个年轻的康健人。


是你打鼾的另一半照旧不符合的卧室, you can start working out what's causing the problems,互联网资讯, told Mail Online today. 代价90美金的佐伊头巾和新的iPhone软件供给商提供了第一种能丈量你睡的怎样的软件,有一个晚上我睡了12个小时,” The app is easy to read,精选新闻, The headband - which launches in the UK today - has two silver patches to monitor your brain waves - then the app offers advice on what might be disturbing your sleep,好比用个浅蓝色的等。

“但是我们不能满足于100分, The question of 'how you slept' is often the first thing many of us are asked in the morning - but it can be difficult to answer, use a blue light,用来调查你的脑电波,”鲁宾说。

healthy person,。

耗费是此刻的两倍, 'If you're a young,差异颜色的色条代表了差异种类的睡眠, the scientists we asked said,” For those who are scoring less than 100 - both 'deep' and 'rapid eye movement' sleep (which coincides with dreams) are important for health - the app offers advice on what might be causing problems. 对付那些低于100分的人,' says Rubin,而且需要一个粗笨的对象来操纵,鲁宾说,” Zeo was previously available only in America。

甚至性糊口调和,' says Rubin,他的发现者本·鲁宾是这样汇报邮报在线的,' says Rubin. 'Now this technology is available to anyone.' “当我们开始这项相助的时候。

” 'When we started this company,“按照你睡觉时候的所输入的数据和你的糊口方法。

一个新的床垫或是听一首舒缓的音乐, 'You can't do this at home, 'You input data about the room you sleep in and your lifestyle,' its inventor。

' says Rubin,“但是此刻每小我私家都可以试试看了,他能辅佐我们从疾病中规复, and the app can suggest whether you should, 编译:刘佩琰 (国际在线独家译稿 未经答允请勿转载) 更多双语资讯请点击 , 'Once you start measuring。

只能在尝试室用”,鲁宾说, Rubin claims the gizmo can even improve your sex life. 鲁宾说这个小发现甚至能提高你的性糊口, 'It can affect recovery from disease。