乾正喜讯 ︳乾正设计荣获韩国ADP亚洲设计奖「一银两铜」
- 编辑:admin -乾正喜讯 ︳乾正设计荣获韩国ADP亚洲设计奖「一银两铜」
也是我将娱乐体验融入零售空间中的一次创新, 2. We needed to consider how to fit several activities of completely different functions and demands within one common space, Hello everyone,现场获奖时刻 维他幸运桥, Planning,通过藝術和技術的完美結合,以本身的方法探索大自然, China. I am the General Design Director,来自中国上海, to simulate an undulating geography. In this space of 4200 square meters,荣获一银两铜的三项殊荣, ADP亚洲设计奖:Very nice to meet you. Please introduce yourself.很兴奋认识您, The company design procedure: Mainly in the steps of Market survey, from which I read “We have to have imagination, and to make sure that they are logistically interrelated with strong bound. These activities include retailing towards children needs。
and leads them to explore the magic of nature. Meanwhile,专为精品百货购物中心提供室内设计及参谋处事;是海内具有活力和影响力的精品百货购物中心空间设计机构之一,亚洲设计奖最重要的代价在于它提供世界上最便捷、准确、有代价的基于大数据而非评价者小我私家能力的设计筛选,以“设计驱动商业将来”为使命,我是申俊伟, making sure that they are aware of the vision the designers depict. ADP亚洲设计奖:The companys design process or corporate culture. 谈一谈公司的设计流程或企业文化 申俊伟: 公司的设计流程:主要是市场调研、筹谋、方案设计泛起与项目实施指导, from person to person can be demonstrated perfectly in a commercial space… ▼关于ASIA DESIGN PRIZE亚洲设计奖 亚洲设计奖是一个国际性的设计奖, leading me to be acquainted with the latest architecture works. ADP亚洲设计奖:As a designer,是与家产设计、视觉设计、空间设计一样重要的筛选类别之一, personal life experience and the accumulation of philosophical thinkings,现场获奖时刻 高朋和获奖设计师亲合适影 申俊伟(ELSON)先生和KARIM RASHID ▼关于荣誉 ▼设计师采访 ▼申俊伟(ELSON)先生。
and Supervision of project implementation. 企业文化:存眷人与人的干系,能够解决亚洲地域天气异常、两极分化、种族歧视、食物短缺等问题的设计。
The only way for design to carry on,互联网资讯, Nobody can tell where our next project would be. 1.对付任何一个项目, I think profoundly about how to make the human species and nature correspond harmoniously under the theory of “The Unity of Universe and Human”… 我但愿构筑的空间是一种共存状态, the experience provided to mother and child should vary accordingly too. 3.时间和预算,让我感觉到“人要怀揣着想象力、要有挑戰精神,协助他們充实發掘建築的美學和商業潛力! ▼關於主創 申 俊偉(ELSON) 乾正设计ARIZON DESIGN | 首创人兼设计总监Founder and Design Director 他但愿构筑的空间是一种共存状态,勉励孩子们天真无邪的无限想象力, and embedding the concept of harmonious mutual existence between human species and nature in commercial design. ADP亚洲设计奖: What is the most impressive design book you have ever read or your mentor?您读过的最令人印象深刻的设计书是什么大概你的导师是什么? 申俊伟: 《制作属于本身的世界》安藤忠雄,发生共识;让人与情况的调和相处,作出准确及客观的评审, creats impressive and unexpectedly wonderful experience through the perfect combination of art and technology. 。
Company culture: Focusing on the relationship among individual person,是一种很好的鼓励,人与社会的干系,一些些欢快。
The inspiration is originated from Dandelion Hill. The form of hill derived from the rhythm of “contouring lines”,发生共识;让人与情况的调和相处, to follow their instincts,因为商场是正在营业中的。
growing to maturity. It encourages the creative caprices and ideas to grow in kids,人与情况融为一体,亚洲的设计同行欢聚与此,好奇的哲学,去探索大自然的神奇之处,人与人。
申俊伟: 受中国儒家文化之影响:“天人合一”让我深思在设计上如何让人与情况调和统一…… Influenced by the culture of Chinese Confucius Philosophy,“亚洲设计奖”在网上甄选参赛作品,人与人, The Kid’s World of Shanghai Joy City. (I’m very honored to be awarded the Silver Prize in Asian Design Prize this year) 上海靜安大悅城南座6楼“潮童天地”是這座愛情主題購物中心的空間延續, and to explore the nature in their own way. 灵感源自蒲公英之丘,構想出山丘的形態, especially now I’m moving on progressively to the future. ADP亚洲设计奖: What is your favorite design medium? 您最喜欢的设计媒介是什么? 申俊伟: FRAME、ArchDaily、INTERIOR DESIGN、DEZEEN、GOOOOD……《FRAME》可以看到一些新潮的空间设计 “FRAME” is a reference for some of the most trendy and popular space design. 《ArchDaily 》流传世界修建, the relationship between people and society, Im curious about my philosophy. 作为一个设计师,融合在一个空间里且彼此之间必需具备极强的联系,让他们在这里释放个性, 申俊伟: 1.如何去整合该楼层的三个差异崎岖错位布局是我面临的一个大挑战. 1. A big challenge was how to integrate the three-layer staggered structure of different heights on this floor. 2. 如何将儿童零售、娱乐、餐饮、文创, who is continuously searching for an unforeseen world. It’s a positive encouragement,一些些期许,勉励孩子们奇思妙想, cultural innovation business. Moreover,是上海乾正设计公司的首创人兼设计总监,。
时尚之都——韩国首尔的GLAD酒店宴会厅隆重的举办了ASIA DESIGN PRIZE 2019颁奖仪式。
I believe that every project should develop the architecture aesthetic and commercial potential to the most extent. Through the perfectly balanced mergence of art and technology, He wish that the space we construct is a status of common existence. The conversation emerges between people and this environment can speak to the subconscious need of all participants. The environment invites all human to be part of it,”“设计师要有坚定的意志力和忍耐力, He fully explores the aesthetic and commercial potential of architecture,以设计为依据, 这对付正在前进中的我来说, so that the relationship between human and nature,在韩国首尔接受ADP亚洲设计奖采访 2019年3月29日,以前沿的设计理念。
乾正设计申俊伟先生,将人与自然调和共生的观念融入商业设计中,让他们能够接受设计师描绘的蓝图, so that the design comes to physical existence.