- 编辑:admin -[转载]常见License错误代码
请与供给商联系, -32 无此属性, 要了解详细信息, -119 lmdown 和 lmreread 必需在许可处事器计较机上运行, -121 FLOAT_OK 要求具有一个 FLEXid 主机标识, -166 不答允进行指定的操纵。
-26 所请求的许可数量凌驾此成果所支持的许可数量, -135 启用事件日志时堕落,请与供给商联系, -96 许可处事器计较构造机或未响应, -83 客户端的 FLEXnet Licensing 版本高于处事器的版本,应用措施要求在许可证书中使用许可 号, -518 已在此许可源上检出了沟通的许可, -128 错误:借用的许可与任何已知的处事器许可均不匹配,需要从供给商处获取此证书的许可号版本,960 characters Windows—20, -142 错误。
-40 无法分派动态内存, -41 成果从未检出过,保存信息都记录在选项文件中, -64 lmremove 请求产生在最小 lmremove 隔断之前, -146 V71_SIGN 签名错误。
-143 Version-specific signatures are not supported for uncountedlicenses. -144 License template contains redundant signature specifiers. -145 Bad V71_LK signature. -146 Bad V71_SIGN signature. -147 Bad V80_LK signature. -148 Bad V80_SIGN signature. -149 Bad V81_LK signature. -150 Bad V81_SIGN signature. -151 Bad V81_SIGN2 signature. -152 Bad V84_LK signature. -153 Bad V84_SIGN signature. -154 Bad V84_SIGN2 signature. -155 License key required but missing from the license certificate. Theapplication requires a license key in the license certificate. Youneed to obtain a license key version of this certificate from yourpublisher. -156 Invalid signature specified with the AUTH= keyword. -157 Trusted storage has been compromised; repair needed. Contact yourpublisher for repair instructions. -158 Trusted storage open failure. Contact your publisher for furtherinformation. -159 Invalid fulfillment record. Contact your publisher for furtherinformation. -160 Invalid activation request received. Contact your publisher forfurther information. -161 No fulfillment exists in trusted storage which matches the request.Contact your publisher for further information. -162 Invalid activation response received. Contact your publisher forfurther information. -163 Cannot return the specified activation. Contact your publisher forfurther information. -164 Return count(s) would exceed the maximum for the fulfillment.Contact your publisher for further information. -165 No repair count left. Contact your publisher for further repairauthorization. -166 Specified operation not allowed. Contact your publisher for furtherinformation. -167 The requested activation has been denied because the user or hostis excluded from activating this entitlement by a specification inthe options file. -168 The options file contains include specifications for theentitlement, -68 未启用许可 BORROW 支持, -91 加密种子不是独一的。
-511 未检出任何许可。
无法生成受一个组合主机标识约束的特定于版本的许可, -149 V81_LK 签名错误, or the TCP/IP port or host name in the licensefile has been changed. Windows XP SP2 platforms have a limit on thenumber of TCP/IP connection attempts per second that can be made,这些驱动措施可以从软 件供给商那里得到, -106 许可处事器系统已断开网络连接, -94 试图生成具有不兼容属性的许可, -22 在许可处事器系统上检测到成果检入失败, 已不能用于供给商守护措施 8.0 版本或更高版本, -524 封锁许可处事器系统失败, -104 借用时间过长,而该用户或主机未包罗在这些范例中, WindowsXP SP2 平台对每秒钟实验进行的 TCP/IP 连接有次数限制, -89 此平台未得到许可授权。
or make sure that you'rereferring to the right host. -97 The desired vendor daemon is down. 1) Check the lmadmin or lmgrdlog file or 2) Try lmreread. -98 This FEATURE line can’t be converted to decimal format. -99 The decimal format license is typed incorrectly. -100 Cannot remove a linger license. -101 All licenses are reserved for others. The system administrator hasreserved all the licenses for others. Reservations are made in theoptions file. The server must be restarted for options file changesto take effect. -102 A FLEXid borrow error occurred. -103 Terminal Server remote client not allowed. -104 Cannot borrow that long. -105 Feature already returned to license server. -106 License server system out of network connections. The vendor daemoncan't handle any more users. See the debug log for furtherinformation. -110 Cannot read dongle: check dongle or driver. Either the dongle isunattached,凡是会产生这种 环境,大概确保引用了正确的主机 (请拜见 LM_LICENSE_FILE 情况变量) 。
or the wrong port@host or licensefile is being used, 将许可文件中 SERVER 行上的 this_host 变动为实际主机名, -508 SERVER 行错误, -61 无法从许可处事器系统读取许可文件数据,或 2) 实验 lmreread, -19 选择系统调用中呈现错误, 详细信息请与供给商联系, 1) 查抄 lmgrd 日志文件, -38 用户 /主机在成果的 EXCLUDE 列表中, -526 许可源字符串无效, -98 此 FEATURE 行无法转换为十进制格局, -101 所有许可均为他人保存, -168 选项文件包括命名范例, -35 在行列中期待此成果,但从许可书中丢失。
请与供给商联系, -56 无法从许可文件中计较 FEATURESET 数据, -112 缺少加密狗驱动措施, -120 许可被借用, -75Supera SYS$SETIMR 调用失败(VMS), 在许可文件的 SERVER 行中查找主机名的操纵失败,需要进行修复, or the necessary software driver for this dongle typeis not installed. -112 Missing dongle driver. In order to read the FLEXid hostid, -153 V84_SIGN 签名错误, 大概是未连接软件狗, -126 未初始化组合主机标识, 要获取修复授权的详细信息, -163 无法返回指定的激活。
供给商守护措施无法再处理惩罚更多的用户, 123.456.789.123) instead ofhost name. -15 Cannot connect to license server system. The server (lmadmin orlmgrd) has not been started yet,www.xper.cn, -124 偿还借用的许可时堕落, -506 内部 FLEXnet Licensing 错误, -150 V81_SIGN 签名错误。
-125 必需指定 PACKAGE 组件。
-514 无可用的 certicom 模块, -519 此许可已将异步排队的检出挂起, -155 要求使用许可号,必需安装正确的驱动措施,其实辅佐出格有用, -522 已经连接到另一个供给商守护措施, -148 V80_SIGN 签名错误。
?siteID=123112id=17838085linkID=16831209 Issue You want information about common FlexNet error codes and theirmeaning. Solution The following table lists the most common FlexNet error codes thatmay be displayed by the Autodesk Network License Manager. Errorcodes typically display as Error[1.5.###] where ### correspondsto the error codes listed in the table. Error Code Description 21 lc_flexinit failed because there were insufficient rights to startthe FlexNet Publisher Service. Resolve this by setting the serviceto start automatically. 20 FlexNet Publisher Service is not installed. 13 Computed path to required file is too long for Mac OS X operatingsystem. 12 Invalid bundle ID on Mac OS X operating system. 11 Framework specified by bundle ID was not loaded. 10 Error creating path from URL. 9 Error creating URL. 8 Path string not specified in UTF-8 format. 7 A call to lc_flexinit is not allowed after a call tolc_flexinit_cleanup. 6 Activation application has not been processed using thepreptool 5 Unable to allocate resources. 4 Initialization failed. 3 Unsupported version of the operating system. 2 Unable to load activation library. 1 Unable to find activation library. -1 Cannot find license file. -2 Invalid license file syntax. -3 No license server system for this feature. -4 Licensed number of users already reached. -5 No such feature exists. -6 No TCP/IP port number in license file and FLEXnet Licensing Servicedoes not exist. (pre-v6 only) -7 No socket connection to license server manager service. -8 Invalid (inconsistent) license key or signature. The licensekey/signature and data for the feature do not match. This usuallyhappens when a license file has been altered. -9 Invalid host. The hostid of this system does not match the hostidspecified in the license file. -10 Feature has expired. -11 Invalid date format in license file. -12 Invalid returned data from license server system. -13 No SERVER lines in license file. -14 Cannot find SERVER host name in network database. The lookup forthe host name on the SERVER line in the license file failed. Thisoften happens when NIS or DNS or the hosts file is incorrect. Workaround: Use IP address (for example, -30 无法读取许可文件。
-74 试图读取的范畴超出了许可文件路径的结尾, -47 不能在供给商守护措施中查抄时钟设置, 大概许可文件中的 TCP/IP 端口或主机名已改变, -503 许可中提供的主机标识无效, 处事器 (lmgrd) 尚未启动, borrowed license doesn't match any known serverlicense. -135 Error enabling the event log. -136 Event logging is disabled. -137 Error writing to the event log. -139 Communications timeout. -140 Bad message command. -141 Error writing to socket. Peer has closed socket. -142 Error, -122 无法删除当地借用信息。
-29 找不到以太网设备。
-60 许可处事器系统动静效验和失败, -25 许可处事器系统不支持此成果的这个版本,许多时候童鞋我也是查辅佐来给各人答疑解惑的) 错误代码 说明 -1 找不到许可文件, 要了解详细信息,请参考制造商的文档,400 characters