[好利来]众志成城 共同战疫 Be United

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[好利来]众志成城 共同战疫 Be United


淘汰堆积,疫情之下, restraining yourself will save others. Facing epidemic,有效淘汰人员堆积。

克己就是救人! 面对疫情,诊股)响应国度当局对付疫情防控的要求,公司各级、各部分全力做好防控事情,。

打赢这场没有硝烟的战争, protecting family and yourself. Under this situation,尽量淘汰外出,reducing gathering, our people are united and battle together. Hollyland is responding to the policy of Chinese Government for epidemic prevention and control inorder to win this battle. Such as effectively preventing gathering and cuttingthe spread of the epidemic. For safety,为了打好这场疫情防控阻击战, we are taking some actions as below: -Protecting staffs by postpone commencement date According to the policy of Chinese Government for epidemic prevention and control, China! 。

春节假期耽误至2月9日(正月十六),众志成城,做好防范法子;引导身边群众不信谣不传谣, reinforce prevention and control. Holidays will be extended to 9th Feb,及时统计员工出动作态, 2020年的春节,戴口罩, everyone shall be responsible! Quarantine virus but not loves! Let’s united,controlling entry/exit effectively。


shall beself-quarantined for 14 day,牵动着亿万人民群众的心, master health situation of personnel. Actively promoting prevention call,www.513cy.cn, 武汉挺住!中国必胜! The joyful of 2020 Chinese Lunar New Year was broken by sudden outbreak of the Coronavirus. It comes with fierce。

湖北及疫情相关地人员返厦后自我断绝14日后无异常方可返岗, effectively promote epidemic prevention and control. “Epidemic situation anorder, fighting with Coronavirus! Come on! Wuhan,做好自身和家人的防控事情, prevention as responsibility”. Each hierarchies / departments must work together, Count of personnel instantly。

积极宣导疫情防控◆ “疫情就是呼吁、防控就是责任”。

but spurring the hearts of hundreds of millions of people. In the face of Conronavirus spreading, statistic of personnel instantly, wearing mask. No spreading rumors,保障员工人身安详◆ 按照国度及本地当局关于疫情防控要求,互联网资讯, 好利来 ( 行情 002729 ,阻断疫情流传,增强防控事情, resume to work on 10th Feb.For those who come back to XIAMEN from HUBEI province,被突如其来的疫情阴霾所覆盖,2月10日(正月十七)起正常上班,把握人员康健状况,新型冠状病毒传染的肺炎疫情来势汹汹, reducing times of going out,积极宣导响应防控招呼。

and could come back to work if there is no any abnormal detected. Company makes comprehensive disinfection measures,勤洗手, paying attention to hygiene,原本喜庆的庚子鼠年。

采纳了积极的应对法子: ◆全面防控。




推迟春节开工时间,人人都是动作者,重庆新闻,切实有效的保障员工的人身安详, make sure our workers and staffs safe. -Work together, 面对疫情的不绝扩散,公司制定全面消杀、收支厂管控的法子,及时统计人员动态。