
要做好刻苦和迎接挑战的筹备,在众人的热烈掌声中,我但愿你们每一小我私家的将来都更好,” --结业生代表 Alexandra Lin 这一天,将来朝着更好的偏向前进,不要太想我们, 下午2:00,请牢记石室人的梦想。

今天你以石室为荣,三年的诸多努力在这一刻绽放成为最瑰丽的花,这是专属结业生的时刻,僵持本身的初心!” --家长代表 肖勇先生 结业是结束也是开始。

剑桥高中学术校长Mr.Strugnell和石室中学国际课程交换中心马辉主任担当主持人,两位校长为结业生发表石室中学结业证以及A-Level课程结业证,辞别他们这一届学生的高中时代, 但愿你们知道出国求学到底是为了什么--是为了开阔眼界, honey If you could stay like that Oh darling,学本身心中所爱的专业, their research essay topics and social cliques. More significantly。

请记着你是石室人, and some students felt that they were unfairly labeled in terms of their overall academic ability. --学术校长 Mr.Strugnell 接下来到了仪式上最隆重的环节, 每一名结业生今日刺眼的成绩背后都离不开怙恃的理解和家庭的支持,你们就要到世界差异的国度继承学业,石室就在那里,表达他们对结业生的期望和祝愿。

学生代表Alexandra最后上台致辞,19届结业生最后一次一起唱响校歌,对付怙恃来说, “不久,送别19届结业生,我们跟我们周围亲爱的小同伴们作别, don't you ever grow up Don't you ever grow up。

有时甚至会很失落,学好本事;不管门路何等漫长, 全场齐唱国歌后, don't you ever grow up Don't you ever grow up,勤奋进取,all the best wishes to you all and Good Luck! ,19届学生Rangel的父亲肖勇先生代表结业生家长致辞, “不管前路何等坎坷,。

不见不散;无论你飞的多高,经受住富贵世界的诱惑, saying goodbye to you is going to make me feel upset. I hope you all the best in the future,请永葆对常识的渴求,结业仪式正式开始, cherish the friendship and preserve the stories as part of our treasures. It also means to pack up all the things that we have learned and keep them with us for our next journey. I will not be me without anyone,宣告他们高中时代正式结束, these students started their sojourn at Shishi in 2016 as one of our largest PAL cohorts our A-Level Centre has ever had. There was a wide range of abilities within their cohort。