pep人教版小学六年级英语上册单词表下载 PDF 电子
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pep人教版小学六年级英语上册单词表预览 pep人教版小学六年级英语上册重点单词 Unit 1 by [bai] 经,到哪里 work [w:k] 事情 factory ['fktri] 工场 design [di'zain] 设计 tip [tip] 有用的小发起 help [help] 辅佐 money ['mni] 钱 well 好;对;满意地 enjoy [in'di] 从得到乐趣 tourist ['turist] 观光者; way [wei] 路;道 motor cycle ['saikl] 摩托车 police [p'li:s] 警方;警察部分 Unit 6 rain [rein] 雨 cloud [klaud] 云 vapour ['veip] 蒸汽;水汽 sun [sn] 太阳 stream[stri:m] 河,,溪 come from 来自,vai'lin] 拉小提琴 make kitesmaking kites 建造鹞子 collect[k'lekt] stamps[stmp]collecting stamps 集邮 show[stmp] 展览 pen pal 笔友 dear[di] 亲爱的 twin[twin] 双胞胎之一 something ['smi] 某事物 must 必然;必定 fun 快乐;乐趣 with 同 TV reporter 电视台记者 live lives 居住 teachteaches 教 gogoes 去 watchwatches 看 readreads 读,mɡ'zi:n] 阅读杂志 go to the cinema ['sinm] 去看影戏 theme [i:m] park [pɑ:k] 主题公园 the Great [ɡreit] Wall [w:l]长城 busy ['bizi] 忙碌的 together [t'ɡe] 一起地 comic ['kmik] book 漫画书 post [pust] card [kɑ:d] 明信片 newspaper ['nju:s, ':-] 邮局 hospital ['hspitl] 医院 cinema ['sinm] 影戏院 bookstore ['bukst:] 书店 science ['sains] museum [mju:'zim] 科学博物馆 excuse [ik'skju:z,pdf转换成word,看 does doesnt=does not different ['difrnt] 差异的 week [wi:k] 星期;周 say [sei] 说 soon [su:n] 不久 excited [ik'saitid] 欢快的;感动的