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游戏设有10瑰丽的国度, 2.精确的物理 3.活力和很是贴切的音乐。

让你获得印度庆祝节日活着界各地的经验! 特征 - 1. 100引人入胜的程度,如SD卡上写文件 答允应用措施录制音频 答允应用措施开机自动运行 答允应用措施读取扩展存储器 ,具体的主题, (我们发起您以丰满的音量播放) 4.瑰丽的国度特定的配景主题,我们的下一次更新, Dahihandi Knockdown is classic INDIAN festival that is celebrated on the occasion of birth of LORD KRISHNA. The game is to knock down Dahihandi using a slingshot and few rocks! To complete a level you have to knockdown all dahihandis using your precision skills and logic. The game features 10 beautiful country specific themes so that you get an experience of celebrating Indian festival all over the world! Features - 1. 100 engaging levels. 2. Accurate physics 3. Energizing and very apt music. (We suggest you play with full volume) 4. Beautiful country specific background themes. 5. Knock Down thousands of dahi handis. (Levels get increasingly difficult. Hint - You can throw the rock on ground and it will bounce back.) We are working hard to bring you tons of awesome features and levels in our next update. Play Dahihandi Knockdown and have endless fun. Dahihandi击倒是对主奎师那的降生之际庆祝印度传统节日, 石头弹弓 5.0.2 更新内容 New - Improved the art style. . Old - Added super power. After each 10 levels the power pack gets refilled. Added levels. Total 100. Introduced country specific themes. Stay tuned for more amazing updates. *应用权限: 答允应用措施在手机锁屏后进程仍然运行 答允会见振动设备 答允应用措施获取网络信息状态 答允应用措施会见网络连接 答允应用措施通过WiFi或移动基站获取大致的位置信息 答允应用措施通过GPS获取精确的位置信息 答允应用措施读取电话状态 答允应用措施会见GMail账户列表 答允应用措施执行NFC近距离通讯操纵 答允应用措施读取通话记录 答允应用措施读取联系人通讯录信息 答允应用措施读取短信内容 答允应用措施接收短信 答允应用措施写入外部存储, (程度获得越来越难提示 - 你可以扔在地上的岩石, 播放Dahihandi击倒和有无尽的乐趣,它会弹返来) 我们正在努力为您带来吨真棒成果和程度,。

本场角逐是打掉Dahihandi使用弹弓和一些石头! 为了完成你必需拦截使用精密的本领和逻辑都dahihandis的程度。
