Iterative Planning

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Iterative Planning

build somesoftware,精选新闻mydraw,。

so use it to your advantage. Iterativeplanning is exactly what you think it is; make a plan。

anyway. Thechanges we get late in a project are usually the most valuable becausethat is when we know the most about our problem domain and solution.Consider every dollar spent on development as also being spent onlearning about a better solution. The last change request is always theone you paid the most for,53d, and then makeanother plan based on what you learned. Agile processes are based onthe ideathat planning throughout the project is just as important as having aplan. Things change, plans must either be short in duration or verysketchy indetails to remain useful. Howdo we know how much we can get done in an iteration or sprint? We needto talk about creating honestplans. 。