- 编辑:admin -“冷”的10种英文表达,不要只知道“Cold”
love - you'll want your coat! 亲爱的,你穿件外套吧! 9. I'm frozen - could you close the window? 我冻僵了都,你可以关下窗吗? 10. It's freezing in here - can I close the window? 这儿冷极了——我把窗户关上可以吗? --------------------------------------------------------------- 想在手机上看更有用有趣的英语学习内容吗??↓↓↓ 存眷爽哥英语官方微信公家号:shuanggeen(长按可复制) 想不想换个姿势学英语?? ↓↓↓ 苹果安卓均可搜索下载:爽哥英语 被苹果官方推荐的APP!! 创始用学习母语的方法学英语, 6. Walking home in the snow,快速提升 英语传闻读能力,mydraw, 3. He leant forward to protect himself against the biting wind. 他佝偻着身体以避北风, 4. Wrap up warmly - it's bitter outside. 穿和煦些——外面出格冷, 5. The evening was cold and raw. 那个晚上严寒砭骨。
基础停不 , 1. The bathroom gets chilly in the winter. 冬天浴室变得很冷,热点新闻,www.beatit.cn,外面有点冷,一阵砭骨的北风向我袭来,好玩又有趣,。
we got chilled to the bone. 我们蹚着雪往家走, 7. It was a cold and frosty morning. 那是个天寒地冻的早晨。
2. She opened the window and I was hit by an icy blast of air. 她打开窗户,将近冻僵了。
8. It's a bit parky today。