usa 你退休後被課稅 因為國稅局用了這6招

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usa 你退休後被課稅 因為國稅局用了這6招

you also should be alert. when you got 1st medicare in your 65 you have to pay one month pre-paied. when you postone till 70 to apply SSR you have to pay another one month pre-paied and you never can get refund like us. e en you visit SSR office is useless and both SSR and medicare kick back and forth-they blame the other side.  if you hve question about SSR short pay,銀行帳戶利息被視作一般收入課稅所以課徵的是最高稅率, 3? years later moved back to ILL. our old house neighbourhood from china moved back from CA. we also many times tried to move out but failed.  because many informations are not completely. we found TX houses bigger and cheap but then digged out estate taxes expensive which combines with water(? or sewer fee charge), 斯坦福长命研究中心财政筹划部研究员维农(Steve Vernon)指出人们变得越来越长命让退休岁月变得越发漫长可是对付几岁退休却一直没有改变, 他指出目前55岁以上的美国劳工傍边约有半数都合用于这套理论, ‧投資利得投資利得若不屬於退休帳戶將須課稅但若繼續持有該投資至少一年或在價格高於買價的一天前賣出即可免除此稅負, IRA(MRD) they all counts as taxable, 2018, 维农与研究团队针对近300种差异的退休收入模式进行阐明发明对付中产阶级的退休人士来说假如想在退休之后拥有可靠的收入来源最好比及70岁才申请社会安详金因为在这个年纪领取得到的福利是最好的,以下是可能被課稅的收入 ‧傳統IRA或401(K)提款存入IRA和401(k)的款項和其增長存款可延稅但退休後從這些帳戶提領的款項即視為一般收入須按最高稅率付稅, 税务专家麦利纳暗示美国有七州不征所得税阿拉斯加、佛罗里达、内华达、南达科他、德州、华盛顿和怀俄明其他43州对决定纳税人是否永久居住有多达11个差异门坎所以在差异州拥有屋子的屋主应了解各州对永久居住的划定(凌驾183天、270天或6个月)因为这会影响在哪一州以何种身份 (居民或非居民)交税, later lower than 3%. (however i deeply suspect because banks still cant issue CD more than 2.5% for many years even today. last month i saw usa adv. post in china website(i visited reading novels/news or watching animate videos/tv shows...) could earn 8%. if such good investment i already put money in. so be careful. 蝙蝠 於 2018 / 08 / 09 07 : 39 回答 大仁說財經ATT收購時代華納有什麼影響 --before the court approved  ATT收購時代華納,操作报税软件预计你想去的那一州所得税并不难但记得完整阐明须纳入销售税和地产税。

‧退休金來自当局或私人公司的退休金凡是視為一般收入會被課稅,不過有的軍方退休金或殘障補助部门或完全免稅, annuity companies offered 3.5% guaranteed。

Washington states restaurants foods quite expensive because labours hour rate is higer, 不外斯坦福长命研究中心(Stanford Center on Longevity)研究团队发布最新观测研究指出如今更多美国公众但愿一直事情到70岁因为到达65岁的方针之后只要再“努力”几年稍微迟些再开始领取社会安详金届时领到的福利算起来将越发划算。

around 1.8488% of total  resident taxable income the only thing quite bother us is rollover IRA/401k investment MRD withdraw,要發表迴響, 从高税州逃到低税州并不担保能完全躲过本来居住州的征税。

MI carry has highest crimes rate,但除非你是年初或年底搬迁不然你要记录在每个州住几多天以决定是否要以非居民身份报税。

because in Fed taxes INTerest,這不暗示你該把銀行存款全部提領出來相反地你退休後仍應在銀行存入應急金只是得寄望因此該繳几多稅, 文章摘编如下 持久以来很多美国公众都把65岁视为退休年纪不管是社会安详金(Social Security)或联邦医疗保险(Medicare)许多美国人也都是从65岁开始领取, monthly pensions and rental minus standard deduction (1 over 65)  $13950 exemption $8100  as taxable income so Fed tax around 12% of total taxable income in state taxes INTerest, exempt)。

夏威夷和阿拉巴马的实际税率最低但是夏威夷有12个差异的所得税率, because some we didnt make money but all count as Fed taxable. if less young people put money in 401k account i wont surprised. i did inquire chase about it and was told not worth spent time to calculate it. when att frequently merged/split i was told to keep all transactions for the future tax. now it turned out no need to keep. myself believe IRA better than RIRA for middle-low class because you can get that year tax deductible and in the future tax rate may reduce as everything jump up. however if you have pension/ira/401k then IRA  should convert to RIRA when you lose jobs or income deeply down and not qualified for any social benefits except IDES income. in our case we paied average 12% Fed tax today, 德州财政规画师苏利文(Benjamin Sullivan)说搬到低税州可省下一大笔钱但是须按照每小我私家糊口方法来计较可省下的税金。

000 invested in  1 Global Capital so i terminat the renew. And luck me just earlier enough to receive all money back without losing(except the interest fom 8% down to 7.x% and from 9mm bcame 13- mm. it is a loan lender to all kind business(most small/personal business type). what i felt now is all cooperation bonds related are in higher risk. 蝙蝠 於 2018 / 08 / 09 07 : 09 回答 strongly warn china people if you see interest/dividend higher than 6% you should know it is quite dangerous. i believe china market better than usa but most are hard working earn little. right now i even thought usa annuity is quite unsafe because the water quite deep no one knew where the money invested. however maybe annuity companies better than banks when banks issued CDs higher than 5%,按照美国国税局划定公众一旦到了70岁半的时候每年就必需从退休账户提领强制最低提款, --base on our experiences,别的若投資市政債券而非公司債券利息收入可免聯邦稅, 401k。

the more taxable the more your SSR percentage is taxable. 蝙蝠 於 2018 / 05 / 09 16 : 49 回答 目前55岁以上的美国劳工傍边约有半数都合用于这套理论