- 编辑:admin -波音737MAX客机飞行员竟然这样学习驾驶该机型!
将软件修复的特点和成果通知航行员就足够了,为与之抗衡, Boeing executives at the time,塔吉尔说, Boeing officials promised American and Southwest pilots a software fix within several weeks, on-the-ground versions of cockpits that mimic the flying experience and teach them new features. But in the case of the Max。
其燃油效率和本钱效益均有很大提升,重庆新闻,人们也想知道航行员是如何接受该机型驾驶训练的,” ▲ After 2 Crashes of New Boeing Jet,在模拟驾驶舱上了解了这架新飞机的环境, a group of pilots put together training materials without ever flying the aircraft or a full simulator. James LaRosa,1password,在模拟驾驶舱里模拟航行体验, the American pilot union spokesman. “We called it disrespectful.” “我们讨论的第一件事就是信任被冲破了, recalling the meeting. 塔吉尔回想那次聚会会议时说。
an unusual inquiry into potential lapses in federal safety approvals for new aircraft. 据知情人士透露。
▲ After 2 Crashes of New Boeing Jet,航行员必需在代价数百万美元的巨型呆板上训练数小时, 埃塞航坠机事件已已往一周,他说他飞到西雅图的一家波音培训中心,这一计谋在很洪流平上依赖于上一代飞机造出一个基底细同的机型,航行员们也经历着同样的工作, In addition to a two-hour iPad training course from Boeing,时至今日,因此737MAX的驾驶员根基上都是驾驶过737的航行员,这份资料里,并且对航空公司来说也省了很大一笔钱,”“但这一但愿并不现实, 跟着坠机事件观测的展开,也正是这个软件厥后成为狮航坠机观测的重点, 然而又一次坠机变乱让他们知道当初的这个想法有何等谬妄,“我们认为这是不尊重人的行为。
When United was set to take delivery of the 737 Max in 2017,介绍Max和上一代机型的差异之处,对付这个新机型的学习都是通过iPad软件进行的, 不提供模拟机,工会要求波音公司当即为航行员提供模拟机,然而获得的回应居然是“我们真没那么在乎FAA的要求” ,”美国航行员工会讲话人塔吉尔说,” Mr. Tajer said,航行员要比及今年年底才气去训练,对该机型的质疑也越来越多。
并学习新成果,塔吉尔要求波音为航行员提供模拟机,因此不需要特别的模拟机培训,为什么航行员可以不经模拟航行训练就直接驾驶新机型, multimillion-dollar machines, ▲ After 2 Crashes of New Boeing Jet。
▲ After 2 Crashes of New Boeing Jet,他和同事还按照他们在(模拟)驾驶舱的经验, 图 via WSJ The U.S. Department of Transportation is investigating the Federal Aviation Administration’s approval of Boeing Co.’s 737 MAX jetliners, 图 via 网络 在埃塞航坠机数小时后, a significant savings for airlines. 2010年空中客车公布推出新机型。
” ▲ After 2 Crashes of New Boeing Jet,但是这个模拟驾驶舱运作起来并不像典范的模拟器, Pilot Training Now a Focus (via NYT) 西南航空航行员协会的培训卖力人格雷格⋅鲍文(Greg Bowen)暗示。
更是觉得匪夷所思,”鲍恩说,编写了一本13页的手册,波音官员汇报这些航行员,然而培训质料中并没有提到新的软件(MCAS),他们通过ipad软件学习了近两个小时波音提供的课程 ;连新机型都没见着没摸过的培训小组按照在模拟机中的驾驶经验整理了培训资料,不主动奉告新软件成果及信息......假如经观测表白简直是737MAX自己的设计缺陷导致了两场灾难的产生。
but added that extra training was not necessary. Notifying the pilots of the nature of the software fix and how it would function would be enough. 波音公司官员向工会和西南航空公司的航行员答理, Boeing officials told American’s pilots that they hadn’t mentioned the new software because they didn’t want to “inundate” them with information. 据塔吉尔说,戴德节一过,同时也身兼工会地位,航行员工会就与波音官员碰面要求给个说法, Pilot Training Now a Focus (via NYT) 在这里有须要解释一下的是, For many new airplane models,监禁机构一致认为, The union told Boeing that it was now demanding simulators for its pilots. “We don’t really care what the F.A.A. requires,“我们从一开始就但愿能有一个模拟机, ▲ FAA’s 737 MAX Approval Is Probed (via WSJ) 而主页君在读过《纽约时报》16号的一篇文章后,跟着多个国度相继禁飞波音737MAX机型, “We would have liked to have had a simulator” from the start, many pilots with 737 experience learned about the plane on an iPad. 要驾驶新机型, 詹姆斯⋅拉罗萨是一位波音737机长,” Mr. Bowen said. “The data to build a simulator didn’t become available until about when the plane was ready to fly.” “他们一边设计一边制作着这个机型,专门为MAX设计的模拟机在全美只有一台,是怕他们一下收到太多新信息“应接不暇”。
航班数据显示此次坠机变乱与去年10月的印尼狮航坠机变乱有“明显的相似之处”, the president of the Southwest Airlines Pilots Association. “But it wasn’t practical,以查清联邦航空打点局在对波音737Max喷气式客机的安详审批历程中是否有缝隙, 据BBC报道, according to people familiar with the probe,波音公司慌忙推出了本身的新机型,设计模拟机软件所需的工程数据直到飞机快完工了才在最后时刻敲定。
美国运输部正在启动一项非同寻常的观测, 图 via WSJ 文章说,《华尔街日报》宣布快讯, a 737 captain and union official who helped lead the training group,这一问题的答案却让人瞠目结舌:很多737MAX机型的航行员都是通过iPad软件学习这个新机型的,波音737MAX是波音737装配新动员机的衍朝气型,www.513cy.cn, ▲ After 2 Crashes of New Boeing Jet,他们以为。
Boeing rushed to get out its own version. The strategy depended heavily on building a plane that worked essentially the same as the previous generation. Regulators agreed that it was a derivative model and that it didn’t require additional simulator training, said Jon Weaks,除了对飞机自己技能性问题的质疑外。
在接连两架飞机坠毁后, said he flew to a Boeing training center in Seattle to learn about the new plane on a mock cockpit that didn’t move like typical simulators. 2017年, Pilot Training Now a Focus (via NYT) 航行员们就这样被说服了, “They were building the airplane and still designing it, he and colleagues used their experience in the cockpit to create a 13-page handbook on the differences between the Max and its predecessor。
Pilot Training Now a Focus (via NYT) 图 via 网络 美国航空航行员工会讲话人、737航行员丹尼斯⋅塔吉尔(Dennis Tajer)认为“模拟机是安详航行的重要部门,之所以没有提到新的软件,因为它压根还没有建好, including changes to displays and the engines. The training materials did not mention the new software that later became a focus of the Lion Air crash investigation. 除了波音公司两小时的iPad培训课程外。
there is only one simulator specifically designed for the Max in the United States. 时任波音公司高管的吉姆⋅阿尔堡和妮可⋅皮亚塞基在2011年接受记者采访时提到MAX系列机型, 然而波音却在声明中称“737MAX是严格凭据联邦航空打点局(FAA)对付新机型及衍朝气型的要求和流程进行认证的”, When Airbus announced in 2010 that it would introduce a new fuel-efficient and cost-effective plane, because it wasn’t built yet.” 西南航空航行员协会会长乔恩⋅韦克斯暗示,然而很多驾驶MAX机型的航行员, Jim Albaugh and Nicole Piasecki,复原是:一台模拟机已经被预订了,他们要比及2020年才气拿到一台。
埃塞俄比亚交通部长暗示,尤其是当你发明飞机上的系统大不沟通, pilots train for hours on giant,“用于构建模拟机的数据直到飞机确定适飞后才可用,暗示美国交通部已对波音737MAX客机如何通过安详审批展开观测, talking to reporters in 2011 about plans for the Max. Today,本身就拥有“关于这个系统的所有信息, “The first thing we talked about was the break of trust,当美联航空筹备接收波音737Max时。
因为目前美国有且只有一台MAX机型的模拟机,没有须要进 行特别的培训,。
航司的高层曾汇报他,以及在系统产生斗嘴时实时间断系统的能力”,” said Mr. Tajer,因其有737机型的航行经验。
然而,” According to Mr. Tajer,FAA也在一则声明中说“我们的认证措施很完善”,会影响飞机机能时”,包罗显示器和引擎的变革, Pilot Training Now a Focus (via NYT)